You can use wp_nav_menu_{$menu->slug}_items
hook and add you link with a callback function, for example if your menu slug is header-menu
then something like this:
add_filter('wp_nav_menu_header-menu_items', 'add_my_extra_links',10,2);
function add_my_extra_links($items, $args) {
$newitems="<li><a title="Test Link" href="">Google</a></li>";
$newitems .= '<li><a title="Test Link" href="">Yahoo</a></li>';
$newitems .= '<li><a title="Test Link" href="">Bing</a></li>';
$newitems .= $items;
return $newitems;
I guess you would need to call wp_save_nav_menu_items which is the function used to save the menu items to the database.
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