Can’t access my site due to fatal error [closed]

The “White Screen of Death” (which I assume is your issue, since you provided minimal details) can usually be diagnosed starting with the error.log file for you site.

This is available via your hosting Control Panel, File Manager, or via FTP access.

The latest error will usually show a folder/file that is causing the problem. If it is in the ‘plugins’ folder (like wp-content/plugins/plugin-name/something.php), then rename the ‘plugin-name’ to something else (again, via your hosting File Manager or FTP). (You don’t need to disable the plugin via the database; renaming the bad plugin’s folder will disable it.)

Then, try to get to the site, and log in as an admin. Install all updates (look in Dashboard, Updates after admin login) and continue from there.

Lots of answers if you do ask the googles for “WordPress White Screen of Death”. But the above should get you started.