Category checkbox list tree changes when editing a post

Category-list uses the function wp_terms_checklist() in wp-admin/includes/template.php on row 90. The parameter “checked_ontop” is set to true. So the checked checkboxes will be on top.

This is only happening when editing a post, when I add a new one everything is fine and dandy

Thats because when you create a post, none of the categories are checked and the list will be intact, but when you saves one it will appear on the top because of the “checked_ontop is set to true”.

You can prevent this by changing the parameter checked_ontop to false by adding this to your theme function.php.

function wpse_prevent_on_top_cat() {
    // Run only in admin
    if( is_admin() && add_action('wp_terms_checklist_args', 'wpse_prevent_on_top_cat') ) {
        // Change checked_ontop to false
        $args['checked_ontop'] = false;
        // Return the new parameter
        return $args;

Or just install my simple plugin on this code:

The result:

enter image description here

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