Create new network instance, import old single installs AND keep the urls?

Short answer … yes.

When you install WordPress at the root of you’ll be creating a third blog. Don’t worry too much about this, just recognize it’s there.

Create your network using subfolders for the different sites. Then create two new sites: blog and otherblog.

By default, any posts on these sites will use the URL structure:[sitename]/[permalink]

Then just import your old site into the new one and you’ll have the same URLs.

Unfortunately, there’s not really a way you can have the old one run simultaneously with the new one. All requests to the root ( will be eaten by WordPress and redirected to the appropriate site. So if you set up blog first, any requests to will result in a 404 error until you set up and import that site as well.

If your sites were running on subdomains rather than in subfolders it would be possible … it’s an unfortunate circumstance many people who have shared hosting plans run into (and a good reason to upgrade your host).