Creating a feature to upload multiples images in the Theme Options?

Loop over the $_FILES array and add each file separately. I don’t have a complete code example at hand, just an excerpt from my theme options class:

 * Saves uploaded files in media library and the corresponding id in option field.
 * @return void
protected function handle_uploads()
    if ( ! isset ( $_FILES ) or empty ( $_FILES ) )

    foreach ( $_FILES as $file_key => $file_arr )
        // Some bogus upload.
        if ( ! isset ( $this->fields[$file_key] )
            or empty ( $file_arr['type'] )

        if ( ! $this->is_allowed_mime( $file_key, $file_arr ) )
            set_theme_mod( $file_key . '_error', 'wrong mime type' );

        // The file is allowed, no error until now and the type is correct.
        $uploaded_file = wp_handle_upload(
        ,   array( 'test_form' => FALSE )

        // error
        if ( isset ( $uploaded_file['error'] ) )
            set_theme_mod( $file_key . '_error', $uploaded_file['error'] );

        // add the file to the media library

        // Set up options array to add this file as an attachment
        $attachment = array(
            'post_mime_type' => $uploaded_file['type']
        ,   'post_title'     => $this->get_media_name(
                                    $file_key, $uploaded_file['file']

        // Adds the file to the media library and generates the thumbnails.
        $attach_id = wp_insert_attachment(
        ,   $uploaded_file['file']

        $this->create_upload_meta( $attach_id, $uploaded_file['file'] );

        // Update the theme mod.
        set_theme_mod( $file_key, $attach_id );
        remove_theme_mod( $file_key . '_error' );

handle_uploads() is called by save_options() from the same class. is_allowed_mime() guarantees that I get only file the types I need, and get_media_name() looks for a special predefined name for the file (»Logo«, »bg-body« etc.).

As you can see, it isn’t that hard. Just use the build-in API, not the code from your upload-file.php. There are many, many edge cases which WordPress will handle better than your plain move_uploaded_file().