There are few things that I have pointed out in the code below too:
- You were overwriting the options read from
- You had hard-coded the Message Counts.
- saving options in
just does not work. (I don’t have any clue yet, may be experts will shed some light on it.
I have marked all the sections where I have made the changes with HKFIX, with a bit of description:
* Constructor
* @author Ian Dunn <[email protected]>
public function __construct()
// Initialize variables
$defaultOptions = array( 'updates' => array(), 'errors' => array() );
/* HKFIX: array_merge was overwriting the values read from get_option,
* moved $defaultOptions as first argument to array_merge */
$this->options = array_merge( $defaultOptions, get_option( self::PREFIX . 'options', array() ) );
$this->updatedOptions = false;
/* HKFIX: the count for update and error messages was hardcoded,
* which was ignoring the messages already in the options table read above
* later in print the MessageCounts is used in loop
* So I updated to set the count based on the options read from get_option */
$this->userMessageCount = array();
foreach ( $this->options as $msg_type => $msgs ) {
$this->userMessageCount[$msg_type] = count( $msgs );
// more
add_action( 'admin_notices', array($this, 'printMessages') );
add_action( 'post_updated', array($this, 'saveCustomFields') );
// does other stuff
* Saves values of the the custom post type's extra fields
* @author Ian Dunn <[email protected]>
public function saveCustomFields()
// does stuff
/* HKFIX: this was false, so changed it to true, may be not a fix but thought I should mention ;) */
if( true )
$this->enqueueMessage( 'foo', 'error' );
* Displays updates and errors
* @author Ian Dunn <[email protected]>
public function printMessages()
foreach( array('updates', 'errors') as $type )
if( $this->options[$type] && ( self::DEBUG_MODE || $this->userMessageCount[$type] ) )
echo '<div id="message" class="'. ( $type == 'updates' ? 'updated' : 'error' ) .'">';
foreach($this->options[$type] as $message)
if( $message['mode'] == 'user' || self::DEBUG_MODE )
echo '<p>'. $message['message'] .'</p>';
echo '</div>';
$this->options[$type] = array();
$this->updatedOptions = true;
$this->userMessageCount[$type] = 0;
/* HKFIX: Save the messages, can't wait for destruct */
if ( $this->updatedOptions ) {
* Queues up a message to be displayed to the user
* @author Ian Dunn <[email protected]>
* @param string $message The text to show the user
* @param string $type 'update' for a success or notification message, or 'error' for an error message
* @param string $mode 'user' if it's intended for the user, or 'debug' if it's intended for the developer
protected function enqueueMessage($message, $type="update", $mode="user")
array_push($this->options[$type .'s'], array(
'message' => $message,
'type' => $type,
'mode' => $mode
) );
if($mode == 'user')
$this->userMessageCount[$type . 's']++;
/* HKFIX: save the messages, can't wait for destruct */
/* HKFIX: Dedicated funciton to save messages
* Can also be called from destruct if that is really required */
public function saveMessages()
update_option(self::PREFIX . 'options', $this->options);
* Destructor
* Writes options to the database
* @author Ian Dunn <[email protected]>
public function __destruct()
/* HKFIX: Can't rely on saving options in destruct, this just does not work */
// its very late to call update_options in destruct
//update_option(self::PREFIX . 'options', $this->options);