Custom field with Types: get custom field’s value label (of type select)

Just so you know, and after much code sniffing, I finally have a working solution :

First, the custom field may start with wpcf- (for example: wpcf-custom-field). This prefix may be ignored and only the remaining characters kept. As in

$customField = substr($fieldName, 5);  // $fieldName="wpcf-custom-field";

Now, the custom field data may be fetch via the function wpcf_admin_fields_get_field which is located in the Types plugin directory under includes/fields.php. For example :

$fieldConfig = wpcf_admin_fields_get_field($customField);

Among other things, the options may be collected with this code :

$fieldOptions = array();
if (isset($fieldConfig['data']['options'])) {
   foreach ($fieldConfig['data']['options'] as $option) {
      $fieldOptions[$option['title']] = $option['value'];

Which, if the custom field is a type select, will return an array like

   '1' => 'Option A',
   '2' => 'Option B',
   '3' => 'Option C'