custom post type single page template not working

Please see the Template Hierarchy. There is no template-portfolio.php template. It needs to be archive-portfolio.php.

Also, you should not be using a custom query*. Use the main query in your post type archive templates. WordPress already queries the correct posts for you.

So remove:

$portfolio = new WP_Query('post_type'=> 'portfolio');

And replace:

while ($portfolio-> have_posts() ) :
    $portfolio->the_post(); ?>


while ( have_posts() ) :
    the_post(); ?>

Also, you’re not actually using content-portfolio.php anywhere. You need to actually include it into the archive template. Somewhere between while ( have_posts() ) : and endwhile;:

get_template_part( 'path/to/content-portfolio' ); // Leave off the .php

*It seems like at least 50% of the questions posted here these days are caused by people incorrectly creating a new query when they should be using the main loop. I’d appreciate any insight into where people are learning to do this.