Custom Post Types: Can you add more than one Variable to a Column?

yea you can do just that. you only need to change the output function which in this case is

function prod_custom_columns($column){
  global $post;
  switch ($column)
   case "description":
   case "price": // Now here I have to define the field, but how would I drag in other subsequent price fields?
    $custom = get_post_custom();
    echo $custom["price"][0];
   case "catalog":
    echo get_the_term_list($post->ID, 'catalog', '', ', ','');

to display what you want for each column say your price
change it to something like:

case "price": // Now here I have to define the field, but how would I drag in other subsequent price fields?
    $custom = get_post_custom();
    echo $custom["price"][0];
    echo 'br />';
    echo $custom["another_FIELD"][0];
    echo 'br />';
    echo $custom["yet_another_FIELD"][0];

hope this helps