Custom search SQL Query to add custom field in result

I got it ! Here is my final code for people who will search for similar problem 🙂

in functions.php :

function se190254_custom_sql_for_search( ) {
    global $wpdb;
    //For security escape the search parameter 
    $search_string = esc_sql($_GET['s']);

    //Build the SQL request with $wpdb->base_prefix for "portability" 
    $sql = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS {$wpdb->base_prefix}posts.ID FROM {$wpdb->base_prefix}posts
                LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->base_prefix}icl_translations t ON {$wpdb->base_prefix}posts.ID = t.element_id AND t.element_type LIKE 'post\_%'
                LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->base_prefix}postmeta m ON m.post_id={$wpdb->base_prefix}posts.ID
                LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->base_prefix}icl_languages l ON t.language_code=l.code AND WHERE 1=1
                AND ( ( {$wpdb->base_prefix}posts.post_title LIKE '%".$search_string."%') OR ({$wpdb->base_prefix}posts.post_content LIKE '%".$search_string."%') OR ((m.meta_key = 'description') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%".$search_string."%')) )
                AND {$wpdb->base_prefix}posts.post_type IN ('page','transit_routes')
                AND ({$wpdb->base_prefix}posts.post_status="publish")
                AND (t.language_code="".ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE."" OR t.language_code IS NULL )
                ORDER BY {$wpdb->base_prefix}posts.post_type DESC, {$wpdb->base_prefix}posts.post_date DESC";

    //Get results of the SQL request (save in object by default, array_a or array_n is not needed here)

    //Loop trough each result and create a array with unique value and change it from array of object too simple array
    foreach ($query as $post) {
        $result[$post->ID] = $post->ID;

    return $result;

in your template file :

        $search_result = se190254_custom_sql_for_search();
        if ( count($search_result) > 0 ) { ?>
            <header class="page-header">
                <h1 class="page-title"><?php printf(__('Search Results for: %s', 'se190254'), '<span>' . get_search_query() . '</span>'); ?></h1>
            </header><!-- .page-header -->
            foreach( $search_result as $post ) {
               $post = get_post($post->ID);
               setup_postdata($post); ?>
               <li><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></li><?php
           } ?>
       } else { ?>
           <p>Sorry nothing match your search query</p><?php
        } ?>

In hope that it will help someone out there !