Deleting post specific content at beginning of post

Note that this filter function, added to the theme functions.php file, will apply to all output that uses “the_content” everywhere (all posts essentially) – so exercise or consider narrowing the scope.

For instance, you might want to limit it to the first 100 characters, or to posts before a certain date, or within a certain category before a certain date, etc., otherwise someday someone may happen to use the same sequence of characters and be shocked to find that everything up to them has apparently been deleted.

 * Filter all posts to remove 'Post - ' 
 * and all characters preceding it 
 * from all posts
add_filter( 'the_content', 'get_rid_of_text_to_post_dash' );

function get_rid_of_text_to_post_dash( $content ) {         

    $key_string = 'Post - ';
    $new_content = ( strpos( $content, $key_string ) ) ? 
        substr( $content, strpos( $content, $key_string) + 7 ) : 

    return $new_content;
