Disabled wp-cron, set up system cron but still have missed schedule posts

With WP CLI I was able to avoid other plugins potentially interfering with publish_future post.

Below is a perl fragment. On my host webdir is $HOME/public_html and bindir is /usr/bin. Note the use of --due-now. Only those hooks currently waiting to be fired will run. Also note you either need to cd into webdir or add --path=path, where path is the path to the wordpress files (usually webdir).

# Post any scheduled posts ready to publish
my $cmd = "cd <webdir>; <bindir>/wp cron event run publish_future_post --due-now;

# Run other cron events normally
$cmd = "cd <webdir>; <bindir>/php wp-cron.php";

Then I set the script to run at 1,31 in my system cron as all posts either are scheduled for the top of the hour or the bottom of the hour.