You can use a static class property to store a rolling list of posts that are used in previous queries. This method allows you to pass data between classes (widgets, modules, plugins, etc…), but will also work for a procedural workflow. Everything on the page that uses your intermediary class will know what posts to exclude.
Step 1: Create a class that has a static $posts property
You will need getter and setter methods.
class RollingPostsIndex{
public static $posts = array();
public function set($new_posts){
$previous_posts = self::get();
$posts = array_push($previous_posts, $new_posts);
return self::$posts = $posts;
public function get(){
return self::$posts;
Step 2: Create two helper functions to for setting and getting.
function add_rolling_posts($post_ids);
function get_rolling_posts(){
return RollingPostsIndex::get();
Step 3: Track your post ids within your WP_Query instance loops
$post_ids[] = $post->ID;
Step 4: Add the new section post IDs array to the RollingPostsIndex static property
Use the API function we created earlier.
Step 4: Add an argument to your WP_Query instance to exclude previously used post ids.
$args['__post_not_in'] = get_rolling_posts();
I’ve tested this method extensively, and it works really well to keep track of post ids throughout the entire page load.
Hope this helps you out!