The media uploader wraps the image and caption in the shortcode.
There is a filter called img_caption_shortcode
that can do what you want. The caption itself is passed as part of an array to the shortcode handler, as is the image id.
add_filter( 'img_caption_shortcode', 'wwm_img_caption_filter', 10, 3 );
function wwm_img_caption_filter( $empty, $attr, $content )
$image_id = $attr['id'];
//do some checking of the $image_id (attachment id) to see what it links to
//if it links to amazon, include the link in the caption:
if ( /*my condition is met*/ ) {
$attr['caption'] = ;//modify the string appropriately
return ;//some string - see documentation
Here’s some documentation on the filter:
if the image in question doesn’t have a caption already use the_content filter
add_filter( 'the_content', 'add_affiliate_link_caption' );
function add_affiliate_link_caption( $content )
//I'm not even going to try a regex...
//but some sort of regex find/replace stuff on $content
return $content;