Embedding screencast.com Videos in WordPress Multisite

Screencast.com has a dedicated GitHub page with hands full of tutorials (no need to clone them over here).

You can then utilize wp_oembed_get() or register a new provider using wp_oembed_add_provider().

echo wp_oembed_get( 'http://example.com', array( 
    'width'  => 1920,
    'height' => 1080
) );

Or add the provider:

    'http://screencast.com/*', // The Format
    'http://screencast.com/',  // The Provider
    FALSE                      // Is the first argument not a wildcard but a Regex?

Keep in mind that some providers will force you that you obtain an API key to do successful requests. The good ones hand out some for testing & developing purpose.

To alter the MarkUp, there’s the obembed_dataparse filter, which you can use.

add_filter( 'oembed_dataparse', 'wpse_91680_oembed_markup', 10, 3 );
function wpse_91680_oembed_markup( $html, $data, $url )
    if ( is_int( strpos( $url, 'screencast.com' ) ) )
        // $data might hold interesting stuff for you
        # echo htmlspecialchars( var_export( $data, true ) );

        // $html will be FALSE for every $data->type that 
        // is not 'photo', 'video', 'rich' or 'link'
        // so you need to pre-process the $data object and build your markup here
        return "<br /> And some special appendix";

    return $html;