Multisite, using switch_to_blog in filter
Did you use as follows (here $blog_id as 1): switch_to_blog( 1 ); //Do stuff restore_current_blog();
Did you use as follows (here $blog_id as 1): switch_to_blog( 1 ); //Do stuff restore_current_blog();
Multisite redirect
The wp-admin url for each site does not work on WordPress multisite
I think that’s getting triggered by wp-load being unable to identify which blog you’re on at load time. I’d try define( ‘SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE’, 1 ); define( ‘BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE’, 1 ); before you include wp-load, looking up the correct IDs for from your wp_blogs table.
To clarify my comments (since comments don’t lend themselves to code blocks), you should only be using the .htaccess rules that apply to your particular WordPress installation. I’m assuming in this answer that you’re using WordPress greater than 3.5 (the current release as I write this is 6.7), and your question shows Subdomain Multisite. Thus, … Read more
Same webpage on 2 sites (multisite)
How can I change WordPress Multisite “lang”
Server error on multisite installation
Media Attachment Pages Redirect to Media Files After Migrating to WordPress Multisite
You could create a cron job that gathers all the data and caches the results in a usermeta value for each user. It’d be slow to generate, but that wouldn’t matter because it’d run in the background. The data would then be fast to retrieve on the page where you display the user’s images. The … Read more