Multisite, but wp_kses_allowed_html only for one subsite?

Well, you could do it this way: if ( 101 === get_current_blog_id() ) { add_filter( ‘wp_kses_allowed_html’, allow_iframes_for_editor, 1 ); } (Note: edited to use the get_current_blog_id() ; see But you should consider Tom’s comment as a warning against doing this.

WPML is blocking WP core update

As I wanted to avoid manually installation I have tried changing the permissions of the folder and files inside /www/domains/, but since my 1st option did not work, I had try the 2nd one: I have finally uninstalled all plugins and manually installed the WP core. For this process I have downloaded the files from … Read more

Change a subsite Admin role of a WordPress Multisite after 24 hours registering

You probably want the built-in cron scheduler. You’ve got two options: either set up a one-off job to downgrade the user 24 hours after registering using wp_schedule_single_event() instead set up a daily job with wp_schedule_event() to check all blogs for users without KYC data and deactivate them if necessary. You should probably change your code … Read more