Thanks Michael for the tip. I finally got it. The solution is as follows:
$options[] = array(
"section" => "zzz",
"id" => HS_SHORTNAME . "_multicheckbox_inputs",
"title" => __( 'Multi-Checkbox', 'hs_textdomain' ),
"desc" => __( 'Some Description', 'hs_textdomain' ),
"type" => "multi-checkbox",
"std" => '',
"choices" => my_list_cats()
And in functions.php:
function my_list_cats() {
$cats = get_categories();
foreach($cats as $cat) {
$catsArray[] = __('' . $cat->cat_name . '','hs_textdomain') . "|" . $cat->category_nicename . "";
return $catsArray;
Thanks again!
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