As far as I’m aware there’s no limit to how many levels of ancestry Pages can have, so any solution should not depend on specifically referencing a particular ancestor. The best solution would be to get a list of all ancestors for the page and loop over them until you find a value for your field. Then stop looping over them and return the found value. The function get_post_ancestors()
can be used for this:
$colour = null;
* Get the IDs of the page's ancestors into a list.
$page_ids = get_post_ancestors( $post );
* Put the current page's ID at the beginning of the list so we don't have to
* handle it separately.
array_unshift( $page_ids, $post->ID );
* Loop over pages and find the first one with a colour.
foreach ( $page_ids as $page_id ) {
$maybe_colour = get_post_meta( 'colour', $page_id, true );
* If the page has a value for colour, put it in the colour variable and
* stop the loop.
if ( $maybe_colour ) {
$colour = $maybe_colour;
echo $colour;
To save space in your template you could add this to a function and use the function in your template instead:
function wpse_310439_get_the_colour( $post = 0 ) {
$post = get_post( $post );
$page_ids = get_post_ancestors( $post );
array_unshift( $page_ids, $post->ID );
$colour = null;
foreach ( $page_ids as $page_id ) {
$maybe_colour = get_post_meta( 'colour', $page_id, true );
if ( $maybe_colour ) {
$colour = $maybe_colour;
return $colour;
Then in your template:
<div class="<?php echo esc_attr( wpse_310439_get_the_colour() ); ?>">