The first argument of preg_match
is supposed to be a pattern, not a string, so it’s probably not comparing the way you expect. Use strpos
function wpse_275760_theme_scripts() {
global $wp_scripts;
$stylesheet_uri = get_stylesheet_directory_uri();
foreach( $wp_scripts->queue as $handle ) {
$obj = $wp_scripts->registered[$handle];
$obj_handle = $obj->handle;
$obj_uri = $obj->src;
if ( strpos( $obj_uri, $stylesheet_uri ) === 0 ) {
echo $obj_handle;
} else {
echo 'NOTHING Match';
returns the starting position of the match, if there is one. Comparing with ===
to 0
ensures that the script URL and theme URL match from the beginning, which is what you want, since they will both start with http://mydomain/wp-content/themes/mytheme
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