Deregistering a script in WordPress seems impossible

Please note the below is done via a custom plugin and not in the functions file as most themes when updated will overwrite the functions file.

The below is tested and works to unqueue a script, I have added code that you can use to test if the file is loaded prior to removing it and also I would use your custom post name if you only wish this to be unloaded on that post type in is_singular().

Plugin Name: Remove_script_Stack_353322
Plugin URI:
Description: Remove a script when needed
Version: 1.0
Author: Me
Author URI:

     * Enqueue script.
    function my_scripts_method() {
        //Change your plugin url/name
        wp_enqueue_script( 'gdrts-rating', plugins_url( 'test.js' , __FILE__ ));
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_scripts_method' );

    function wpdocs_dequeue_script() 

        // Lets check if gdrts-rating is loaded
        if (wp_script_is( $handle, $list )) 

            //echo 'Loaded --------------------------------------------------------------------->';
            // Custom post type so use the name in ->  is_singular('custom_post_name')  you can have more post types such as is_singular('custom_post_name', 'custom_post_2')

            if (is_singular()) 
             // Unload the plugin
             wp_dequeue_script( 'gdrts-rating' );

           // Not loaded do nothing
           //echo 'Not loaded --------------------------------------------------------------------->';

    add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'wpdocs_dequeue_script', 10 );