Get posts after today (upcoming events)

Hi @user2816:

It would seem you are using that code in more than one widget? Try changing part of that code from these:

function filter_whene($whene="") {
  $whene .= " AND post_date >= '" . date('Y-m-d') . "' ";
  return $whene;
add_filter('posts_whene', 'filter_whene');

To this:

if (!function_exists('filter_whene')) {
  function filter_whene($whene="") {
    $whene .= " AND post_date >= '" . date('Y-m-d') . "' ";
    return $whene;
add_filter('posts_whene', 'filter_whene');

Better, move as much of your code as possible to your theme’s functions.php file. Wrap it in a function and then you only have to type one line of code in your PHP Exec widget.

Or better yet, get rid of that plugin completely and write your own widget; because PHP Exec is evil.

P.S. Okay, PHP Exec is not evil per se, but once you try to do anything more than trivial it creates more problems than it solves.