This is not really a WP_Rewrite
question, unless you want to include the post ID in the URL. I think the best way to solve this is, as you suggest, do a get_posts()
query with your slug, and change the variables from there.
Of course you don’t have to do this on every init
, only do it when you are at a clubs/[club_slug]/news/
page. So first create a rewrite rule that will set a special variable that you can check:
add_action( 'init', 'wpse8421_init' );
function wpse8421_init()
// Assuming `wpse8421_club` is the name of your custom post type
add_rewrite_rule( 'clubs/([^/]+)/news/?$', 'index.php?wpse8421_club=$matches[1]&wpse8421_related_news=true', 'top' );
Add this query var to the public query vars so you can check for it:
add_filter( 'query_vars', 'wpse8421_query_vars' );
function wpse8421_query_vars( $query_vars )
$query_vars[] = 'wpse8421_related_news';
return $query_vars;
Then check for this extra variable, and if it is set, modify the query.
add_filter( 'request', 'wspe8421_request' );
function wpse8421_request( $query_vars )
if ( array_key_exists( 'wpse8421_related_news', $query_vars ) ) {
$club_posts = get_posts( array(
'post_type' => 'wpse8421_club',
'name' => $query_vars['wpse8421_club'],
) );
if ( $club_posts ) {
$query_vars['connected'] = $club_posts[0]->ID;
unset( $query_vars['wpse8421_club'] );
return $query_vars;