Give Children Unique ID’s

as far as I know, all menu items already have unique ID´s (“menu-item-XX”), may they be first or second level. the UL itself has a different class :
menu for first level and sub-menu for second.
hence , in css for example
.menu li and .sub-menu li will give you the differentiation for styling.
you could also do that without the unique id or classes , by simply targeting the different levels of the menu,
.menu UL LI for first level .menu UL LI UL LI for second
Anotehr alternative is to use javascript or jQuery.. But I think this is not what you want here ..

EDIT I I forgot to mention that one can also add classes in the menu editor itself on item base , and also the has class arguments..Not to mention the fact that you can create 2 custom-menus wih your name*

EDIT II If you really want a custom function (everyone these days wants one..) than this one will add a class to each menu item which is equal to the menu title.

add_filter('nav_menu_css_class', 'dl_menu_class_by_title', 10, 2 );
function dl_menu_class_by_title($classes, $item) {
        $classes[] = $item->title;
    return $classes;

.. But I still stand by my first answer that in 98% of the cases – it is an unnecessary overkill ..

Edit III – since you are unable to implement none of the above ways to solution (all valid) – Here is The jQuery way :

    var i =0;
 $('ul.sub-menu').addClass (function(idx) {

     return "item-" + idx;