How can i add edit shortcut icon in wordpress customizer without using selective refresh?

What you need to do is implement a custom Partial in JS which applies a custom refresh behavior of modifying the background-color instead of fetching a newly-rendered partial from the server. So it’s partials with edit shortcuts but without any server-side selective refresh.

For example, enqueue the following JS in the customizer preview with a customize-selective-refresh dependency:

wp.customize.selectiveRefresh.partialConstructor.background_color = (function( api, $ ) {
    'use strict';

    return api.selectiveRefresh.Partial.extend( {

         * Refresh.
         * Override refresh behavior to apply changes with JS instead of doing
         * a selective refresh request for PHP rendering (since unnecessary).
         * @returns {jQuery.promise} Resolved promise.
        refresh: function() {
            var partial = this, backgroundColorSetting;

            backgroundColorSetting = api( partial.params.primarySetting );
            _.each( partial.placements(), function( placement ) {
                placement.container.css( 'background-color', backgroundColorSetting.get() );
            } );

            // Return resolved promise since no server-side selective refresh will be requested.
            return $.Deferred().resolve().promise();
    } );
})( wp.customize, jQuery );

Then when you register your partial, make sure you supply the type of background_color to connect the PHP-registered partial with the JavaScript partialConstructor, like so:

$wp_customize->selective_refresh->add_partial( 'wpse_282425_background_color', array(
    'type' => 'background_color', // 👈 Key addition.
    'selector' => '#bg-color',
    'container_inclusive' => false,
    'render_callback' => 'dummy_function',
) );

Standalone plugin that demonstrates technique:

Demo video:

Screenshot of partial and control