You can try WordPress Special Characters in Usernames plugin.
This plugin enables usernames containing special characters (russian, cyrillic, arabic) on your WordPress blog.
Related Posts:
- Problem with Hebrew characters in username
- Hebrew username
- How to translate “ERROR: Invalid username. Lost your password?”
- How to change a username?
- Change default ordering of display name
- use of nickname and nicename?
- How to retrieve lost username/ email log- in ?
- Reset admin and password
- How to recover lost username?
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- How to assign a UserName value at creation
- Author name length character limit?
- How can hackers access WP usernames? [duplicate]
- Disable author admin just use name.
- I want to use my username to post blog posts, is this advisable?
- Alphanumeric usernames and error message for it
- Limit username to specific characters (A-Z and 0-9)
- How do I display logged-in username IF logged-in?
- If a hacker changed the blog_charset to UTF-7 does that make WordPress vulnerable to further attacks?
- Strange characters – despite everything being UTF-8
- Changing the username character limit from four to less characters
- Filter username field on registration for profanity and unwanted words
- Displaying Logged-In User Name in WordPress Menu
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- excerpt in characters
- (un)wptexturize() — is it possible?
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- How to prevent certain usernames from being registered?
- Pre-populate Username Field
- Divide Post content into separate divs for every 500 characters (or any other character counts)
- Function to change a label (Username) in a core WordPress File (wp-includes/general-template.php)
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- Remove empty lines ( ) when author updates their post
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- Character Encoding for wp_options
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- Change username before login
- How to allow wordpress to create username with symbols like +
- How do I remove weird characters in text?
- Plugin To Insert Chinese Characters in Posts or Pages
- Display first name of logged in user?
- Hebrew Characters Have gone bad
- RewriteRule accepts numbers but not letters in tag
- Use mulitple usernames?
- how to remotely check a username / password from within a plugin
- How can i preserve wordpress database encoding after using wp-cli search-replace with –export flag?
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- allow only lowercase user registrations
- Show ellipsis (…) only if the number of characters exceeds limit defined in substr
- php if username is role
- “page not found” due to hat character (“^”) in a upload file name
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- track all external links on blog via username
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- What’s the Max character limit for a post in WordPress?
- I want to change my user name
- php return username of currently viewed author profile
- List first letter of categories – issue upon spcecial characters (danish letters)
- Fixed height of the_content()
- Invalid characters in user name when registered
- A special character I am trying to include in a page keeps getting rejected with error “Updating failed. The response is not a valid JSON response.”
- Words with special characters have dissapeared
- Redirect users with “.” (dot) in their username and replace with “-” (dash) to correct profile
- Search results doesn’t show with Turkish characters
- How to change default username field after login
- Show username only if logged in in a else no directly name
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- After migration, all featured images using accentued characters in their file names are displayed “blanked”
- Redirect user to a custom url after logged in
- Character encoding issue – black diamond question marks on imported post excerpts
- How to write in MySQL more characters in user_nicename
- How to set an array of current usernames
- WordPress character set issue
- User login without username, only password
- forgot password
- Why is converting my database to UTF-8 truncating entries?
- How to prevent funny characters on Home Page
- What is zinging my HTML commands? I don’t think I can blame TinyMCE this time…
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- Fetch data from a WP page with same name as current username
- Cannot login with correct username and password anymore
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- How To Change Username Slug
- How to use same username account for multiple users?