If you’re simply using one language on your site:
- Find the utility.php file in your themes folder with location lib/functions/utility.php
- Next find the lines 227 and 231 and
- change the
__( 'Previous Post', 'contango' )
and__( 'Next Post', 'contango' )
to your desired values.
For example: previous_post_link( '%link', __( 'vorige post', 'contango' ) . ' <span class="meta-nav">→</span>' );
Make sure you save and overwrite the utilty.php file. Location: wp-content/themes/contango/lib/functions/utility.php
If that didn’t work try copying the utilty.php file from the server to a new folder on your computer, and check the code to make sure it’s correct. If it’s wrong, you might need to change your permission rights on the folder your in.
Not the most cleanest of ways but if you’re just using one language for your site it won’t really matter. Let me know if that changed anything for you?