How can I display custom post types under multiple views?

What you want is a rewrite endpoint.

You’re already familiar with these. WordPress’ urls that end with feed are simple a rewrite endpoint, and you can add your own!

add_rewrite_endpoint takes two arguments: the endpoint you want, and the “mask” of where you want it to go. “mask” is just a number that you can do some bitwise math with to specify where you want the endpoint to go. As of WP 3.4 you can specify a custom ep_mask when registering a post type.

The basic gist: hook into init, call add_rewrite_endpoint, specify the custom EP mask of your post type. Here’s a really quick example (as a plugin here):

class WPSE45713
    const EP = 262144;

    private static $ins = null;

    public static function instance()
        is_null(self::$ins) && self::$ins = new self;
        return self::$ins;

    public static function init()
        add_action('plugins_loaded', array(self::instance(), '_setup'));
        register_activation_hook(__FILE__, array(__CLASS__, 'activate'));
        register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, array(__CLASS__, 'deactivate'));

    public static function activate()

    public static function deactivate()

    public function _setup()
        add_action('init', array($this, 'register'));
        add_action('init', array($this, 'endpoints'), 15);
        add_filter('request', array($this, 'filter_request'));

    public function register()
        register_post_type('product', array(
            'label'     => __('Products', 'wpse'),
            'public'    => true,
            'rewrite'   => array(
                'ep_mask'   => self::EP,

    public function endpoints()
        add_rewrite_endpoint('detailed', self::EP);

    public function filter_request($vars)
            $vars['detailed'] = true;

        return $vars;

The only downside to this is that endpoints are meant to be used as /<endpoint_name>/<some_value>. So without <some_value> present the endpoint technically wouldn’t work — hence the filter hooked into request. Check if the endpoint is set, and set it to true if it is.

That also means that /detailed/asdf would work just as well as /detailed/. Not a huge issue to but something to be aware of.

On the front end side of things, you can check to see if the endpoint exists by using get_query_var:

    // we're on /product/some-product/detailed/
    // do stuff!

add_rewrite_endpoint adds query variables with the same name as you specified for the endpoint. detailed in this case.