How do I update post based on meta_key in another table?

I couldn’t comment, because i dont have the rep

Your code will not update because meta_key field is not in the wp_post table.

First, you’ll want to query all posts where the meta_key wpcf-engine-days-to-go = 0 and then iterate through the post ID’s and make your changes to the wp_posts.

Un-tested Example:

$meta_value = 0; 
$results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * from wp_posts, wp_postmeta
                               WHERE wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.post_id
                               AND  wp_posts.post_status="publish" 
                               AND  wp_postmeta.meta_key ='wpcf-engine-days-to-go' 
                               AND  wp_postmeta.meta_value="".$meta_value .""", ARRAY_A );

foreach($results as $row){
            // do update on this POST
           $update = $wpdb->update('wp_post',
                        array('post_status' => 'draft'),                        
                        array('ID'    => $row['ID'] ), 
                                '%s',   // string
                        array( '%d') // id