How to update records using $wpdb?

Logic of my function was all wrong, should have sorted the result in $trans_array before the foreach loop.

Here is the updated code that worked, if anyone needs it:

function rkm_translation_update() {
    global $wpdb;
    $trans_row = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM id_item_lid", OBJECT, 0);
    $id = $trans_row->id;
    $item = $trans_row->item_id;
    $lid = $trans_row->lid;

    $trans_array = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM id_item_lid ORDER BY item_id");
    foreach ($trans_array as $trans) {
        $id_new = $trans->id;
        $item_new = $trans->item_id;
        $lid_new = $trans->lid;
        if ($item === $item_new) {
            $wpdb->update('wp_icl_translations', array('trid' => $id, 'source_language_code' => $lid), array('element_id' => $id_new, 'element_type' => 'post_post'));
        } else {
             $id = $trans->id;
             $item = $trans->item_id;
             $lid = $trans->lid;
             $wpdb->update('wp_icl_translations', array('trid' => $id, 'source_language_code' => $lid), array('element_id' => $id, 'element_type' => 'post_post'));

This is a bit of a dirty solution, when debugging is true, there are some warnings in the admin related to original post language, if it is missing, probably could be refined a bit more, but I couldn’t be bothered.