I think “how” depends mostly on the theme (or page builder plugin) you’re using.
If the posts section is hard-coded to a page or an archive template then you could copy the template to a child theme and make the required changes to the copied file.
If the post boxes are template_parts or they are made of multiple template_parts, then copy the correct file/s to your child theme and edit the copy/ied file/s.
If there are actions or hooks for editing the post boxes’ layout/content available, you can use them.
I guess you could also (ab)use wp_localize_script to get the meta data to front-end, and then insert the data with necessary html to the correct post boxes with vanilla javascript or jquery.
If the posts section is created with a (page builder) plugin, then refer to the plugin documentation or ask help from the plugin author. Perhaps you can extend the plugin with a custom addon that adds a posts section/grid that matches your needs. Elementor docs for extending the plugin.