A very simplistic method of achieving this would be as follows;
add_action('template_redirect', 'recently_read');
function recently_read(){
global $post;
//only run this function for the posts post_type
if ( !is_single() )
//get the current time in the format of: 2013-02-22 11:55:51
$timestamp = current_time('mysql');
//add the $timestamp variable to the meta_key for this post
update_post_meta($post->ID, 'reading_this', $timestamp);
Note: The above function goes into your theme functions.php
file and is hooked onto the template_redirect
action which is fired just before displaying the page to the user. At this point, behind the scenes, our recently_read
function will fire and add a time stamp under the key reading_this
(name it to your liking). This will occur each time this or any post is viewed. If a time stamp already exists for a given post, it will then update the time stamp accordingly.
Then to retrieve a list of posts with this key you would do the following in your theme files where you want those posts to display;
$recently_read = get_posts(
'posts_per_page' => 5, //how many posts we want to show at most
'meta_key' => 'reading_this', //get posts by our meta key
'orderby' => 'meta_value', //order posts by the value stored in the key
'order' => 'DESC' //order posts in descending order (newest to oldest)
foreach ($recently_read as $read) {
echo '<a href="'. get_permalink($read->ID) . '">'. $read->post_title .'</a>';
The above could be improved a number of ways but this will definitely get you started.
Note: This is void of any logic that determines if the post was viewed in the last X minutes. For that you can apply your own logic to the meta_key named reading_this
and manipulate the data to your liking.