How to create a template for categories

So for this you’d want to use Category Templates in your theme file, which you can read about in the codex here:

Basically, let’s say you have the category “Trending Articles”, with the category slug being trending. You would want to copy the category template from your current theme (category.php, or if that doesn’t exist then archive.php) into a new file and rename it category-trending.php. Then, you can change the header for your own notes.

Once that’s added to your theme, it will display that category page when it’s searched for. Since you copied the regular category/archive layout it will look the same until you modify the output of that specific file.

I hope this helps!

P.S. – OH! And if you’re using a paid theme that will receive updates through an updater, then you’d want to make sure any changes you make are to a child theme. This prevents your updates from being overwritten if a theme update comes along. You can read a bit more about child themes and download a blank child theme template from the guide here.