How to Delete Posts by title?

Like keepkalm said I’d find the list of post IDs from the database:

select id, post_title FROM wp_posts
where post_title like '%Pharmaton%'
or post_title like '%Winston Blu%'
or post_title like '%Kefir%'
or post_title like '%Tetradox%'
or post_title like '%Passport Sco%';

and then use the list of IDs with wp-cli’s wp post delete which accepts a space-separated list of post IDs:

wp post delete 1 2 3 4

(You could also use wp post list to get all titles and IDs in the system, and grep to filter the list down to the posts you want, awk or similar to extract the list of IDs and then pass that all to wp post delete in one go – but this feels safer to do as a semi-manual process since you’re deleting things.)