How to do string attachment with wp_mail

It is possible to add an attachment using the standard ‘wp_mail’ function, however you would need to hook into the phpmailer_init action to do so.

Because this will require calling another function where you don’t have any context, you may need to register the action function anonymously with the use ( $attachments ) statement, store the attachment content as a global variable or property, or place the attachment generation code into the new function.

I can see that OP’s code seems to be in the context of a class method, so I’ll try to create an example which should be compatible / consistent.

    // Previous Code...
    // Use this action to generate and/or attach files.
    add_filter( 'phpmailer_init', array( $this, 'add_attachments' ) );
    // And/or store the attachments as a property.
    $this->set_attachments( $attachments );
    $sent = wp_mail( $to, $subject, $message, $this->get_headers() );

    // Log errors etc...
    if ( ! $sent ) {
        $this->log_error( $error_message );

 * Add attachments to the email.
 * This method must be public in order to work as an action.
 * @param PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer $phpmailer
public function add_attachments( $phpmailer ) {
    // Remove filter to prevent attaching the files to subsequent emails.
    remove_action( 'phpmailer_init', array( $this, 'add_attachments' ) );
    // Get or generate the attachments somehow.
    foreach ( $this->get_attachments() as $filename, $file_contents ) {
        try {
            $phpmailer->addStringAttachment( $file_contents, $filename );
        } catch( \Exception $ex ) {
            // An exception may thrown which would prevent the remaining files from being attached, so we'll catch these and log the errors.
            // This email may be sent without attachments. Do not try/catch if you don't want the email to be sent without all the attachments.
            $this->log_error( $ex->getMessage() );

 * Abstraction for the logging code to make it reusable.
 * @param string $log_message
protected function log_error( $log_message ) {
    if ( ! $this->log_errors ) {
    // Log errors here.