you can try these hooks:
// remove label label[for=signupuser] and #signupuser on wp-signup.php with CSS
function my_signup() {
echo "<style>label[for=signupuser],#signupuser{display:none !important;}</style>";
// edit text displayed on wp-signup.php
add_filter( 'gettext', 'my_change_text', 20 ,3);
function my_change_text( $translated_text, $text, $domain ) {
if ( $domain =="your_site_name") { // EDIT
if( trim($translated_text)=="Get your own %s account in seconds"){
$translated_text="Fields with an asterisk will be shown on your website for the world to see";
return $translated_text;
where you will have to edit the value $domain ==”your_site_name”.
This will give you the following result (see the attached image):
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