Is there a way to loop through a shortcode datasource to create a table?

I found a solution working for me by following this tutorial

In Short:

  1. Create new file in plugin and copy Gamajo Template Loader Class

  2. Create another file, creating your own class extension of Gamajo

     * Template loader for PW Sample Plugin.
     * Only need to specify class properties here.
    class PW_Template_Loader extends Gamajo_Template_Loader {
     * Prefix for filter names.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @type string
    protected $filter_prefix = 'pw';
     * Directory name where custom templates for this plugin should be found in the theme.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @type string
    protected $theme_template_directory = 'pw-templates';
     * Reference to the root directory path of this plugin.
     * @since 1.0.0
     * @type string
    protected $plugin_directory = PW_SAMPLE_PLUGIN_DIR;


  3. Add this to your plugin

    <?PHP define( 'PW_SAMPLE_PLUGIN_DIR', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) );
    require PW_SAMPLE_PLUGIN_DIR . 'class-gamajo-template-loader.php';
    require PW_SAMPLE_PLUGIN_DIR . 'class-pw-template-loader.php';
    function pw_sample_shortcode() {
    $templates = new PW_Template_Loader; 
    add_shortcode( 'pw_sample', 'pw_sample_shortcode' );
  4. Create templates folder in your plugin root

  5. Create template file.php in your plugins templates folder containing
    the following example

    <h2><?php echo $data->section_title;?></h2>

Now you can access templates as following and load them with shortcode into frontend design plugins or your own custom themes while using your data to fill them

function pw_sample_shortcode() {
    $templates = new PW_Template_Loader;
    $args = array( 'section_title' => 'hello world' );
    $templates->set_template_data($args); // assign variable array before calling templates
    $templates->get_template_part( 'content', 'header' );
    $templates->get_template_part( 'content', 'middle' );
    $templates->get_template_part( 'content', 'footer' );
    return ob_get_clean();
add_shortcode( 'pw_sample', 'pw_sample_shortcode' );