There’s not an easy way to modify the export query that runs under /wp-admin/export.php
It doesn’t use the WP_Query
or the get_posts()
wrapper, instead it currently uses this query:
$post_ids = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} $join WHERE $where" );
without explicit filters to it, though it’s possible to filter few settings through the export_args
In ticket #28146 it’s suggested to rewrite it using get_posts()
instead, but it’s not currently active.
Here’s one type of a hack to only export posts with a featured image:
Here are the main parts for such a plugin:
Step # 1
First we add the HTML for our filter’s settings:
* Custom Export Filters
add_action( 'export_filters', function() {
<p><ul class="wpse-export-filters">
<label><?php esc_html_e( 'With a featured image:', 'mydomain' ); ?></label>
<input type="checkbox" name="wpse_with_featured_image" value="1">
} );
Step #2
Next we hook into export_wp
to modify the export process:
* Modify the export query
add_action( 'export_wp', function( Array $args )
// User input
$with_featured_image = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'wpse_with_featured_image' );
// Check if we should activate our custom filter
if( wp_validate_boolean( $with_featured_image ) )
add_filter( 'query', 'wpse_modify_export' );
return $args;
} );
where the wpse_modify_export()
callback is defined as:
* Inject sub-query to find posts with featured image
function wpse_modify_export( $query )
global $wpdb;
// Target the next posts query
if( false === strpos( $query, "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts}" ) )
return $query;
// Remove filter callback
remove_filter( current_filter(), __FUNCTION__ );
// Inject sub-query to find posts with featured image
$sql = " {$wpdb->posts}.ID IN ( SELECT DISTINCT post_id
FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} pm WHERE pm.meta_key = '_thumbnail_id' ) AND ";
return str_replace( ' WHERE ', ' WHERE ' . $sql, $query );
Hope you can adjust this to your needs.