How to Get Current Custom Post Type Associated Taxonomy Term

// First, get associated taxonomies of the post/object.
$object_taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies( get_post() );

// Next, get associated terms of the post/object.
$object_terms = wp_get_object_terms( get_the_ID(), $object_taxonomies );

$terms = array();
// returned object terms could be WP_Error, so check that first.
if( ! is_wp_error($object_terms) && is_array($object_terms) )
    foreach( $object_terms as $object_term )
        // get_term_link could return WP_Error as well, so validate
        $link = get_term_link($object_term);

        if( ! is_wp_error($link) ){
            $terms[] = sprintf('<a href="">%s</a>', $link, $object_term->name);

// Lastly, display
if( !empty($terms) ){
    echo join(', ', $terms);