Create a custom taxonomy’s term form

WordPress does not provide a hook or any API/function which allows us to move that form, or prevent it from being generated and added to the HTML source. But if you just wanted to visually hide that form, then it can easily be done using CSS, e.g. body.wp-admin.edit-tags-php #col-left { /* Hide the default form … Read more

get_term does not return the term

I am using my own taxonomy which has in the table terms corresponding row with a term. I need to get the term by term_id using get_term(141) but i get error invalid_taxonomy. I think that the relationships are correct because this query If WordPress is not aware of a taxonomy and you try to grab … Read more

How can I replace the values in WP_Term?

To replace values in a WP_Term object, you can modify its properties directly. For example: $term = get_term( $term_id, $taxonomy ); if ( ! empty( $term ) && ! is_wp_error( $term ) ) { $term->name=”New Term Name”; $term->slug = ‘new-term-slug’; $term->description = ‘New Term Description’; } In this example, the get_term() function is used to … Read more