This should work if you add it to your functions.php file. It targets the buttons on the second row in your text editor. To target the first row, use the mce_buttons hook instead of mce_buttons_2.
* Removes text color button from tiny mce editor
add_filter( 'mce_buttons_2', 'remove_tiny_mce_buttons');
function remove_tiny_mce_buttons( $buttons ) {
if ( is_admin() && !current_user_can('administrator')){
$remove_buttons = array(
'forecolor', // text color
foreach ( $buttons as $button_key => $button_value ) {
if ( in_array( $button_value, $remove_buttons ) ) {
unset( $buttons[ $button_key ] );
return $buttons;
If you would like to remove more buttons on the second row (mce_buttons_2), add their IDs to the $remove_buttons array. Below are a few second row IDs:
- formatselect
- underline
- alignjustify
- forecolor
- pastetext
- removeformat
- charmap
- outdent
- indent
- undo
- redo
- wp_help