Ended up with this as the function:
// set up the settings for the theme.js
function mb_scripts_settings() {
// blanks
$mb_ajax_form_type = $mb_get_page_slug = $mb_redirect = $mb_redirect_time = $mb_form_disable = $mb_array = '';
// get the form type
$mb_ajax_form_type = ( is_front_page() ? 'change' : 'submit' );
// get the page slug from ID
$mb_get_page_slug = get_post_field( 'post_name', get_the_ID() );
// if the page is admin or password
if( is_page( array('admin', 'pw') ) ) {
$mb_redirect = true;
$mb_redirect_time = 3000;
$mb_form_disable = true;
if( is_page('admin') ) {
// generate the url for redirection
$mb_form_area = ( ( is_page('admin') && isset($_GET['mbtab']) ) ? $_GET['mbtab'] : null );
$mb_form_area_url = ( empty($mb_form_area) ? "https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/" : '/admin/?mbtab=' . $mb_form_area . '&mbform=1' );
$mb_form_area_url = get_home_url( $mb_form_area_url );
// if the page is front
if( is_front_page() ) {
$mb_redirect = false;
$mb_redirect_time = 0;
$mb_form_disable = false;
$mb_get_page_slug = 'front_page';
$mb_form_area = $mb_form_area_url = null;
// build the array
$mb_array = array(
return $mb_array;
And when enqueuing the script:
// enqueue the theme js
wp_enqueue_script( 'mb_mbtheme_js', mbWebOS_js . 'scripts.' . $mbTheme . '.js' );
// localise the theme js
// only for selected pages
if( is_page('admin') || is_front_page() ) {
wp_localize_script( 'mb_mbtheme_js', 'mb_mbtheme_js', mb_scripts_settings() );