I am trying to display information from a custom table from my wordpress users pages

Because it is a custom table, you write a custom function:
Put this function in your themes functions.php. Then at the position in any template where you want to display the balance: displayRemainingBalance( $currentUserId )

function displayRemainingBalance($userid) {
  global $wpdb;
  $record = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare('select balance from yourcustomtable WHERE userid=%d', $userid));
echo $record->balance;

You can also use $wpdb->get_results( … ) to get more than one row, or $wpdb->get_row( … ) to get one row with multiple fields.
The query “select balance from yourcustomtable WHERE userid=%d” depends on what table(s) you have and how you define the loggedin user.