Importing WordPress Posts With Custom Meta Data As CSV Files Through PHPMyAdmin

Not exactly a WP question, but :

The answer depends also on WHERE your cvs came from and what created it , and how the data is arranged .

If the CVS data CAME FROM SQL DUMP , you just need to use the import command in phpmyadmin… very easy.

If the CVS came from another source (say – excel for example) The direct answer is that To import a cvs into MYSQL you should use LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE

LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/yourfilename.csv'
INTO TABLE test_table
(field1, filed2, field3); 

This sql command will work only on LOCAL MACHINE . to import from other places you will need a script to break it up into an array in which each line is a row of data and split each line up by the delimiter character to inject.