Inserting data into MagicFields using mysql queries

I had the same problem but I was successful importing from an self produced xml (for the postmeta).


The problem was that after that the data were not available to use with MF, I’ve solved it with this mysql query:

INSERT IGNORE wp_mf_post_meta (`id`, `group_count`, `field_count`, `post_id`, `field_name`, `order_id`) 
SELECT `meta_id`, 1, 1, `post_id`, `meta_key`, 1 FROM `wp_postmeta` WHERE  `meta_key` = 'mini_descrizione' OR  `meta_key` = 'imagen_en_categoria' OR `meta_key` = 'direccion' OR `meta_key` = 'codigo_postal' OR `meta_key` = 'ciudad' OR `meta_key` = 'provincia' OR `meta_key` = 'telefono' OR `meta_key` = 'email'OR `meta_key` = 'web' OR `meta_key` = 'google_map'

It copies the metas from the wp_postmeta table to the wp_mf_post_meta.