jQuery autocomplete: retrieving term slug when term name selected

Here is my solution:

1.HTML: I defined two fields for each taxonomy, one visible for the selection/autocompletion of the term label; the second one, hidden, for receiving the corresponding value (term slug). For a typical category, it looks like:

<input id="collection" type="text" placeholder="Collection">
<input id="collection-value" class="hidden-field" name="1-collection">

2.Javascript: the default events focus and select have been changed in order to fill both label and value fields:

jQuery( "#collection" ).autocomplete({ 
    source: availableTags.collection,
    focus: function(event, ui) {
    // prevent autocomplete from updating the textbox
    // manually update the textbox
    select: function(event, ui) {
    // prevent autocomplete from updating the textbox
    // manually update the textbox and hidden field

3.PHP has : 2 lines have been modified in order to return label and value:

$return_object->label = $term_object->name;
$return_object->value = $term_object->slug;