jQuery autocomplete: retrieving term slug when term name selected

Here is my solution: 1.HTML: I defined two fields for each taxonomy, one visible for the selection/autocompletion of the term label; the second one, hidden, for receiving the corresponding value (term slug). For a typical category, it looks like: <input id=”collection” type=”text” placeholder=”Collection”> <input id=”collection-value” class=”hidden-field” name=”1-collection”> 2.Javascript: the default events focus and select have … Read more

Append Auto Suggest list to specific html tag?

You should care about tag input classes and CSS. All casses can be set in JS function: jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { $(‘#wpx_tags’).suggest( window.ajaxurl + “?action=wpx_tag_search”, { multiple:true, multipleSep: “,”, resultsClass: ‘wpx_ac_results’, selectClass: ‘wpx_ac_over’, matchClass: ‘wpx_ac_match’, } ); }); So, this will add wpx_ac_results class to the result list . And this CSS should fix it: .wpx_ac_results … Read more

Auto-complete or auto-suggest from list of post titles

Yes this is possible. You can use jQuery Auto Suggest which is included with WordPress http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_enqueue_script With this you can write a form that does a Ajax lookup to the the Ajax URL handler. Which you can add_action onto. http://codex.wordpress.org/AJAX_in_Plugins So you can ajax lookup and then on the action side you can just perform … Read more