Here is a solution for you:
First download this nice little class
Next, include it and “login”
require_once 'foursquare.php'; //Load the foursquare class
$foursquare = new fourSquare("username", "password"); //login
Then to get the venue’s name use:
<?php echo $foursquare->venueName; ?>
you can also get the venue’s type,venue’s icon, venue’s location on the map and user’s comment on the venue. its all documented at the link provided above.
Since FourSquare changed their API i found a much simpler solution:
login to your foursquare account and then head to and copy the rss feed url.
and use this:
// $numCheckins - number of checkins to get
function Display_last_checkins($numCheckins = 2){
$feedURL = 'enter your rss feed here';
$feedObject = simplexml_load_file($feedURL . '?count=" .$numCheckins);
$items = $feedObject->channel;
$checkin = $items->item;
echo "<ul>';
$count = 0;
foreach ($checkin as $item) {
if ($item->link != '') {
echo '<li><a href="'. $item->link .'">' .
$item->title . '</a><br/></li>';
/* you can use
$item->description - user comment
$item->pubDate - publish date and time (Wed, 27 Apr 11 16:40:18 +0000)
$item->georss:point - location for map (31.613221 34.76874)
if ($count == $numCheckins) {break;}
$echo .= '</ul>';