How to hide, and not to remove the attributes metabox?

The get_hidden_meta_boxes function (source link) provides two filters that you can use to hide the meta box. (Pick just one of them.)

The first is default_hidden_meta_boxes (source), adding the metabox to the $hidden array will hide the metabox by default, but the user can select the screen options tab and choose to enable it.

The second filter is called hidden_meta_boxes (source), adding the metabox to the $hidden array here should just hide that metabox, period.

Example using hidden_meta_boxes filter:

function hide_meta_box_attributes( $hidden, $screen) {

    $hidden[] = 'pageparentdiv';
    return $hidden;

add_filter('hidden_meta_boxes', 'hide_meta_box_attributes', 10, 2);