Limit CPT to only have a single view page sometimes

My idea is simple: register the CPT using 'publicly_queryable' => TRUE and then conditionally makes the post type not publicly queryable when a single news that has no content is queried.

This implies that we have to change 'publicly_queryable' argument after the post type is registered. Something easy: all post types object are saved in the global variable $wp_post_types so, assuming CPT slug is ‘news’, simply using

$GLOBALS['wp_post_types']['news']->publicly_queryable = FALSE;

we will be able to disable query for news CPT.

Second problem is when conditionally disable.

We know that all posts have an url, even if non-queryable, however when the url for a singular post of a non-queryable CPT is visited, WordPress send a 404 response.

This happen inside the WP::parse_request() method, so best place to run our conditional logic is just before the request parsing happen, and so best choice is the filter hook 'do_parse_request' (fired in first lines of WP::parse_request()).

So our workflow should be:

  1. inside 'do_parse_request' check if the request is for a single news
  2. if #1 is yes, check if the requested news has no content
  3. if #2 is yes, set publicly_queryable argument to FALSE for news CPT
  4. reset publicly_queryable argument to TRUE after main query happen

Hardest part is #1, because once request has not yet parsed by WordPress we can’t use any of the conditional tags, i.e. is too early to call is_singular( 'news' ).

Only possiblity is to look at the url, luckily url_to_postid() function will help us on this task.

That said we can write a simple class to implement our workflow:

class SingleCptEnabler {

  private $id = -1;

  private $cpt_slug;

  function __construct( $cpt_slug ) {
    $this->cpt_slug = $cpt_slug;

   * Run on 'do_parse_request' filter, and enable publicly_queryable
   * when a single news having content is required
  function setup() {
    if (
      current_filter() === 'do_parse_request'
      && $this->isSingle()
      && ! $this->hasContent()
    ) {
        // when 'wp' hook is fired main query already happen
        add_action( 'wp', array( $this, 'enable' ) );

   * Query DB to get post content of the current queried news
  function hasContent() {
    if ( (int) $this->id <= 0 ) {
    $post = get_post( $this->id );
    $content = ! empty( $post ) && $post->post_type === $this->cpt_slug
      ? apply_filters( 'the_content', $post->post_content )
      : FALSE;
    return ! empty( $content );

   * Enable publicly_queryable argument for news CPT
  function enable() {
    $GLOBALS['wp_post_types'][$this->cpt_slug]->publicly_queryable = TRUE;

   * Disable publicly_queryable argument and reset id
  function disable() {
    $GLOBALS['wp_post_types'][$this->cpt_slug]->publicly_queryable = FALSE;
    $this->id = -1;

   * Check if the current url is for a singular news
  function isSingle() {
    $this->id = -1;
    if ( ! is_admin() ) {
      $this->id = (int) url_to_postid( add_query_arg( array() ) );
    return (int) $this->id > 0;


After having this class in an active plugin or in theme functions.php (or better in a file required from there) we need just to call the SingleCptEnabler::setup() on the 'do_parse_request' filter hook, passing to class constructor the CPT slug:

add_filter( 'do_parse_request', function( $do ) {
  $news_enabler = new SingleCptEnabler( 'news' );
  return $do; // we don't want to affect the filter results
} );

Class is reusable and it can be also used for more than one CPT, e.g. if we want same behavior for ‘news’ and ‘commentary’ CPTs we can do:

add_filter( 'do_parse_request', function( $do ) {
  $news_enabler = new SingleCptEnabler( 'news' );
  $commentary_enabler = new SingleCptEnabler( 'commentary' );
  return $do; // we don't want to affect the filter results
} );

Now, when you want some news to have a full content, just fill the post content (editor), otherwise just fill the excerpt.

Only downside is that singular news page open will slow down, because of the additional work required.

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