Looking to load a different template part on every load/refresh

You can use setcookie() to set a cookie that contains the array of visited headers. This is a simple example to start with:

function header_cookies() {
    // Check if any cookie is set
    if(isset($_COOKIE[headers_visited])) {
        $headers = $_COOKIE[headers_visited];
        // Now add your headers to cookie and save it again. Let's remove the old one first
        unset( $_COOKIE[headers_visited] );
        // Store an array of headers here
        // Now set the new cookie
        setcookie( headers_visited, $header_array, time() +3600 /* For an hour */ );
        // Return the array to use wherever you want
        return $header_array;
    } else {
        // Set all the headers into an array
        // Set the cookie
        setcookie( headers_visited, $header_array, time() +3600 /* For an hour */ );
        // Return the data
        return $header_array;
// Run header_cookies() this when WordPress loads

Now you have set the cookie, and have the array of set headers to use in your template.

Note that you need to use implode() and explode() to work with the arrays stored in the cookie.